Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Annual Purple Lobster Chowder Feast

After days of peace and quiet - Friday found me in a panic to get a whole lot of things done. First of all, Phil was scheduled to arrive at Manchester NH on a Southwest flight at 6:40 in the evening. The number of people coming to visit for lunch on Saturday had increased to 18 - and I had lots of chowder making to do...

I spent the morning grocery shopping and making a trip to the lobster pound. I came home and cooked up a triple batch of lobster chowder...glad I made all those cookies in advance.

My friend, Av Shiloh, from Philadelphia called me Thursday evening and asked if he and his family were still welcome for the weekend festivities. Of course they were! I even had room Friday night to let them stay with us. Av and family were flying up in Av's Comanche and he insisted on stopping at Manchester to pick up Phil - saving me a 3 hour round trip to get him. They called me when they were ready to depart Manchester for Biddeford Airport and I got in the car and drove down. I was waiting out there at a tiny little airport in the dark...all of a sudden I saw the runway lights come on (runway lights can be activated by an airplane's radio - for those non-aviators out there) so I knew Av was near. Pretty soon I saw his airplane enter the downwind leg and I watched from the ramp as he touched down. Hugs all around...Av brought his wife Irena and his twin sons Andre and Alex. We went to Olive Garden for a late dinner then came back to the house and crashed.

Saturday morning was BEAUTIFUL - it was going to be a great day! I anxiously awaited the arrival of Andy and Laurie and Christopher - they were driving up from Boston...the rest of the guests were due to arrive around 11 am at the airport in Biddeford...so there was much to do to be ready for lunch. What a great day we had! The first group in were Dave and Linda, Bob and Steve, and Jamie and Lisa. We got to see Bob do one of those fabulous landings we all do when we know half the world is watching... ; )) Nice one, Bob!!!! Shortly after we got back and started eating chowder, Mark and Terri called to tell us they had arrived. Poor Andy had to go all the way back to the airport to fetch them and Adamb arrived in the meantime...

We had a fabulous time sitting on the deck in the sunshine visiting...

Our first annual Purple Board Lobster Chowder feast was a big success!! Thank you so much everyone for making the effort!!! Phil and I enjoyed every one of you...

(Back row, left to right: Irena, Av, Terri, Mark, Adam, Bob, Phil, Linda, Dave, Jamie, Lisa
Front row, left to right: Steve, Andy, Kim, Alex, Andre - Missing: Laurie and Christopher)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a day we'll all remember for years.

Great weather, great place, great food, great company.

Thanks for making it happen, Kim!